Inspired by my time living in El Paso while my wife was in the Army. I spent a lot of time out in the desert, and it inspired me to create many of these pieces.

I got the idea in El Paso while I was living there taking care of my daughters as a stay-at-home-dad. I spent time a lot of time out in the desert - it was quiet out there.
He's just crusin' over the desert in his sailboat-like airship, with little dinosaurs or giant lizards roaming around.

My sister’s first father-in-law had that motorcycle and I loved it. I got to sit on it once. It was awesome. It was a beautiful faded maroon color. That's me riding it! It was all original and it sounded beautiful!

This would be the best way to travel. No fuel, just some batteries charged up so you can travel at night. Maybe that’s what the world will be going to instead of airliners.
This is a Zeppelin, which is different from blimps because they have a framework inside them.
When I was in the Army we flew over edge of a volcano in Hawaii and our helicopter turned sideways and dropped. We fell about 200 feet... that was my last helicopter ride. I'd prefer the Zeppelin.